When you are searching for vision of what a superb freestyle technique looks like we often find ourselves looking on the internet watching footage of Ian Thorpe or Grant Hackett in a 400m Olympic final. Alternatively, we look at coaching videos which may not actually be that good. Some of our new swimmers will look at others in the squad for a model of perfect technique. Regrettably we only have a few of them and they are not always around when you need them!
A coaching video put together by Aqua Sphere recently came to my attention. The focus of this video is on the timing of the breath. It’s also in French! Despite that the footage of two highly skilled swimmers for coaching purposes means we see the whole stroke from on top, underneath and in front. It is shown at normal speed as well as slow motion. The other great thing about this clip is that it’s only a couple of minutes long. You can watch it over and over or come back to it to refresh your memory of the technique.
Watch it lots. Try and embed into your own neuro-muscular system.